The cities and communities involved in the project will have a space to share and learn about experiences and best practices both regionally and globally, and will have a systematization that will allow them to appropriate the experience and replicate it in other territories.

Systematization of Best Practices

The local government, the community, and local strategic allies have experiences of good practices for the integration of refugees and migrants in the city.

National and Regional Events for the Exchange of Experiences

The project facilitates spaces for the socialization of experiences related to the integration of refugees and migrants in cities.
– The impact of migration on Latin American cities, on the way to the X World Urban Forum in the framework of the XII Global Forum on Migration and Development in Quito, on January 21, 2020.

– Inclusive Cities Meeting: Actions of local governments for the integration of Venezuelan refugees and migrants and socioeconomic and territorial reactivation post Covid-19, held on June 7.
 International Webinar “Human mobility in the urban-rural sphere in the times of Covid-19” with the participation of Elisa Montoya on behalf of the Mayor’s Office of Cúcuta.
 The challenges of integrating refugees and migrants who wish to stay in Latin American and Caribbean cities: a social, economic and urban perspective.


City networks and alliances

We want to strengthen and join city networks to promote integration and solidarity. And likewise, we seek to add allies to our actions.

Decentralización de la central de Abastos