Inclusive Cities,
Solidarity Communities

Is an initiative that is carried out through a strategic alliance

The International Department for Alliances of the Directorate General of the European Commission is the main donor of the initiative and contributes to the orientation of the actions to be carried out through its international expertise in similar contexts.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is mandated to lead and coordinate international action to protect the rights of refugees, and stateless persons throughout the world. Within the initiative, UNHCR provides support in the identification of the basic needs of the refugee and migrant population, promotes orientation and strengthens the protection system and access to services and rights of this community, and works with civil society organizations for the prevention of xenophobia and humanitarian care.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) promotes technical assistance for the formulation and implementation of migration policies and attention to the needs of migrants. In the project, the IOM provides tools to improve migration governance at the national and local levels, provides technical support to strengthen integration strategies, and promotes the approach of socio-economic, productive development and collaborative relationships among refugee, migrant, and host community populations.

The United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) has a mandate to promote sustainable urban development in cities and human settlements. It leads the action from a territorial perspective, focusing on urban planning instruments and strategies to build prosperous and inclusive cities and territories, as well as promoting the social construction of habitat as a platform for the integration of the refugee and migrant community and social cohesion.

Decentralización de la central de Abastos