Elaboration of comprehensive plans, within the reach of governments, for territorial intervention built in a participatory manner with the refugee, migrant and host communities, as a response strategy for the management of urban solutions to promote more inclusive cities and more supportive communities.

Intervention plan at territorial level

A plan built collectively, which contains actions that respond to challenges and needs identified in the cities and in the Territorial Intervention Units aimed at promoting the integration of refugees and migrants with host communities, overcoming the different vulnerabilities of territories and inhabitants, from the perspective of housing and habitat, social inclusion and socioeconomic and cultural opportunities, and legislation and governance.

Economic-territorial action plan

This plan is based on Rapid Market Assessments, which are developed and implemented with local governments. This plan allows mapping (self) employment opportunities in the main economic sectors of the city with a specific focus on those with growth potential, identifying the requirements of the labor demand both in terms of technical and social skills, and identifying barriers and bottlenecks that hinder access to the refugee and migrant market.

Care, orientation and integration centers
The project supports the start-up and operation of Points of Attention and Orientation to provide attention and response to the needs and questions of the refugee population, migrants, and in some cases, internally displaced persons.
These Care Centers provide services related to:

– Information and guidance on the routes, mechanisms and processes available for effective access to public services and rights (health, education, legal assistance).
– Information on different procedures that include, among others: access to the asylum procedure, immigration regularization, access to the PEP (Special Permit of Permanence), extemporaneous registration of children born in Venezuela, civil registration, etc.
– Identification of persons of concern with specific protection needs and information on locally available specialized services.
– Referral of identified cases to institutions or organizations that provide services in response to their needs.


The project also promotes a new generation of care and orientation centers for refugees and migrants, as well as other vulnerable groups, which can be placed spatially at the center of the host communities and open to become vectors of change for inclusive neighborhood transformation, in a context of social cohesion based on new models of coexistence in diversity.  Learn more about the Centers for Social Integration and Co-Creation of Habitat (IntegrHa-bitat)

Decentralización de la central de Abastos