It is a dynamic network made up of a new generation of multipurpose centers open to the entire population, including refugees and migrants, as well as other groups in a situation of vulnerability or social exclusion, which become vectors of change for inclusive neighborhood transformation, promoting social cohesion based on new models of co-creation and coexistence in diversity.
On October 4, 2021, the International Network of IntergrHa-bitat Centers was formed, a space open to all centers led by the public, community, business, academic or international cooperation sectors, which carry out actions in the territories by and with communities and that share 10 basic principles that constitute the values of the Network.
As of October 2022, the Network has centers in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad & Tobago, and Turkey.
These multipurpose centers will be key to advancing multicultural dialogues towards peaceful coexistence and social cohesion, taking advantage of diversity for innovation, favoring the social construction of places, communities and opportunities.
For us it is very important to know what events and activities your center is developing, so that we can help you promote or disseminate it. Do you have any coming soon?
Tell us what it is about!