Declaration of Principles

The Network of Centers for Social Integration and Co-Creation of Habitat – IntegrHa-bitat aims to promote and develop centers for the integration of refugees and migrants and host communities, following the guidelines of the SDGs, the New Urban Agenda in seeks inclusive and sustainable urban development. The centers that make up the network aim to effectively facilitate the transition from humanitarian care to development and demonstrate that, through effective integration processes, migrants and refugees can contribute to the prosperity of cities and their communities, transforming the challenge of human mobility into an opportunity.

In accordance with the foregoing, the IntegrHa-bitat Centers adhere to the following principles:

Inclusion and integration to respect diversity

To be an inclusive space open to everyone that facilitates integration while respecting diversity and is free from all types of discrimination and xenophobia.

Proximity and territory as binding values

Being a space located in the center of the community, valuing the proximity and community links with the territory, valuing its assets and ensuring its care and sustainable development.

Inclusive governance and co-creation

To be a space for inclusive governance and participation, a meeting place that facilitates citizen participation and the co-creation of shared solutions in coordination with all the actors in the territory.

Transformation engine from the neighborhood scale

To be a space and central actor of urban/neighbourhood transformation from the community vision and an engine of innovation, creativity, art and culture.

Intercultural and global dialogue

To be a space that values diversity and promotes intercultural dialogue for development and peace, building global citizenship.

No one be left behind

To be a safe space of care, protection, listening and integration for all vulnerable groups and individuals ensuring that no one is left behind.

Advocate for the Human Rights

To be a space that promotes human rights, the right to the city and the principles of the 2030 Agenda, including the 17 SDGs.

Solidarity with civic sense

To be a space that promotes solidarity, civic sense and belonging, oriented towards social cohesion and harmonious and peaceful coexistence.

Empowerment and equity of opportunities

To be a space for capacity building, empowerment and promotion of equal opportunities for sustainable and inclusive development.

Transforming engine of action nexus: humanitarian-development-peacemaking from the neighborhood scale

To be an effective activation space in emergencies that promotes the humanitarian action – development – peace nexus, addressing the vulnerabilities of communities at risk and strengthening their resilience.

Decentralización de la central de Abastos