Strengthen knowledge, tools, channels of communication and attention, and community and public management processes to address the challenge of human mobility in cities, meeting the specific demands of this population in terms of integration, rights, development and quality of life.

Advice on Public Policy

This initiative advises the national and local governments with specialized technical expertise for the inclusion of the human mobility approach in strategies, plans and projects that promote the development of our cities and integration.

– We are currently advising the Colombian Ministry of Housing, City and Territory and the sociourbana program for migrants.
– Support in the construction of the Territorial Planning Kit – DNP, chapter 6 on Migration..
– Support to the local government of Cúcuta in the construction of the “Municipal Development Plan – Cúcuta 2050, everyone’s strategy”.
– Support to the local government of Villa del Rosario in the construction of the “Villa del Rosario 2050 Municipal Development Plan, It’s time to grow and leave our mark”.

Capacity building of local governments

Workshops, seminars and training spaces in the areas of urban development and planning, socioeconomic integration, migration governance, and care and protection routes for refugees and migrants.

– Cycle of workshops on control and urban regulations Mayor of Cúcuta and Mayor of Villa del Rosario (October 2020): two training workshops were held for public officials, with the purpose of sharing and transferring knowledge that can be integrated into their technical work. * Reports – Workshops Cúcuta and Villa del Rosario 2020 * Results of the survey applied to the participants of the cycle of workshops held.
– Comprehensive Improvement of Neighborhoods
– Inclusive Urban Planning and Territorial Ordering

Capacity building of civil society organizations, private sector and other strategic allies.

We want to promote spaces for strengthening civil society and other strategic allies to raise awareness about the differential approach to refugees and migrants, the integration of this community in cities, and the use of diversity in the construction of cities and communities with greater solidarity.

-Territorial Socioeconomic Plan, 26 workshops with community, psychosocial support, employability, digital marketing, business plans, communications, interpersonal relationships, life projects, conflict resolution, resilience, GBV

Covid-19 emergency cash transfers

The project supported local governments in responding to the emergency caused by Covid-19 through monetary transfers to refugee, migrant and host communities in vulnerable situations due to the isolation measures taken to prevent infection.

We present the story of Rebeca, a Venezuelan person in Cúcuta, who, with her talent, adapts to the circumstances to help her daughters go to college.

Decentralización de la central de Abastos