Workshop on self-building housing in Manta

During an enriching and educational session, a total of 20 enthusiastic and committed community members gathered at the San Mateo Community Development Center to participate in a specialized workshop on self-construction and plumbing. This event represented a valuable opportunity to acquire essential practical skills in the field of construction.

Throughout the workshop, held on 7th & 8th September 2023, participants learned fundamental techniques for proper material handling and the construction of solid and durable structures. Casting, another crucial aspect, was also addressed in detail, allowing attendees to explore how to shape and create useful objects through metal fusion.

Understanding foundation, a cornerstone of construction, was also part of the workshop. Participants gained essential knowledge on establishing strong bases to ensure the stability and safety of buildings. 

Furthermore, a detailed analysis of Ecuadorian construction regulations was provided, ensuring that all attendees were aware of the necessary regulations and standards to carry out construction projects within the country. Likewise, basic plumbing notions were taught in order to enable beneficiaries to manage a proper water supply for their homes.

This workshop not only provided valuable skills but also fostered unity and collaboration among community members, promoting cohesion and harmony.

Decentralización de la central de Abastos