Safe school path in Bucaramanga

Going to school safely is a fundamental part of an ideal environment. That is why Inclusive Cities has created a safe school path for 72 children and teenagers from the Granjas de Provenza and Provenza neighborhoods in the city of Bucaramanga, who in turn are students from the Basic Educational Institute of Provenza and the INEM Educational Institute. This way, students can now go to and from their schools in a calm and reliable way.

A process took place in order to create the safe school path; it involved several stages: community tours, co-creation and socialization workshops, linkage of strategic actors (community, educational institutions, volunteers and the municipality’s traffic management), training and formation of volunteers and, finally, implementation days; in the latter, the importance of creating safe school environments was highlighted in which creativity, playfulness, design and the social process led the community, volunteers and the implementing team to develop actions for transformation in order to protect the lives of the students.

6 people from the implementation team participated in this action along with 12 young volunteers from the city, 20 boys and girls from the sector, 6 women and 4 men from the neighborhood.

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Decentralización de la central de Abastos