Workshop on self-building housing in Bucaramanga

A self-construction workshop was held with the community of the Granjas De Provenza neighborhood in Bucaramanga on 2nd July 2023, aiming to empower the inhabitants of this community by providing them with the tools and knowledge necessary to build their homes safely and appropriately. Nineteen people from the community attended to learn fundamentals that will be immensely useful when constructing their residences.

This collaborative learning space emphasized the importance of not only constructing a house but also building a habitable and stable future. Each session of the workshop was an opportunity to address construction techniques and principles that made a difference in the safety and durability of the structures. From the proper selection of materials to the implementation of effective foundation methods, each essential aspect was explored to ensure that progress in their lives does not become a risk for them and their families.

Furthermore, a spirit of collaboration and mutual support within the community was encouraged. Participants not only learned from the instructors but also shared experiences, ideas, and innovative solutions among themselves. This exchange strengthened community unity and created a conducive environment for future initiatives in which everyone can contribute to collective well-being.

Decentralización de la central de Abastos