Community activities in Cucuta

The process of building community initiatives was carried out in June with the aim of investigating the availability of the fair complex in the neighborhoods of the two TIUs: San Martin neighborhood (Villa del Rosario) and Brisas de los Andes, Manuela Beltrán, Las Delicias (Cúcuta) as a space selected by the community for recovery and adaptation as a protective environment and promoter of integration. With the integration activities, a total of 1,299 beneficiaries have been impacted (633 women, 276 men, 203 girls and 172 boys and 15 LGBTI), 994 of them located in Cucuta and 305 in Villa del Rosario, including the dynamic group formed by 76 leaders (49 women, 24 men and 3 LGBTIQA+), all empowered with self-management tools and community convening.

The implementation of community initiatives in the Las Delicias, Brisas de los Andes and Manuela Beltran neighborhoods had the technical support of the Housing Secretariat, which was linked to the ICCS project through the Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Plan, from which information was collected in respect of topography of the physical spaces to intervene and the architectural design was built through the concept of tactical urbanism for the use of physical space in territories with its absence. The institution carries out a constant accompaniment to the implementation of the plans through the visit to spaces and the construction of follow-up renders. In addition, a learning multiplication exercise was carried out with leaders on Gender-Based Violence (GBV) on types of GBV and care routes according to each type of violence.

Two community integration festivals also took place as spaces that link refugees, migrants and the host community through local art.

Likewise, the cycle of workshops for the construction of community initiatives in each TIU was completed, where the organization of the capital budget was addressed. The community represented by the driving groups and their related ability to prioritize needs and work committees were consolidated for the operation of the strategic lines of the community initiatives:

  • The consolidation of educational and cultural committees in each micro-territory headed by the Community Action Boards was identified as an achievement, since it implies the identification of new leaderships, mostly migrants, and internal relations through the organization.
  • Training processes were developed in photography, folkloric and urban dance, weaving and sports for peace, where 45 beneficiaries were linked in the TIU of Villa del Rosario and 53 in the TIU of Cúcuta, between children and teenagers, LGTB community and a minority of beneficiaries with some type of disability, being an 8% of the total. The development of relationships of trust among participants without distinction of gender, nationality or condition is identified as an achievement.

Decentralización de la central de Abastos