Seeking to have an important and significant participation of the various interest groups in the creation of the territorial intervention plan in Manta, co-creation workshops were held with municipal officers, social leaders, the refugee and migrant population and the host community. The first one was held on March 29, 2022 and was attended by 15 local government officials, whom at the Plaza del Mar auditorium, actively shared their contributions from the point of view of the province government.
On April 9, the workshop with a community base and social leaders took place at the Buque Azart Cultural Center at the San Mateo beach, where the participants gave their perspective on those issues that they consider relevant to the TIP. Likewise, on May 9 the workshop with refugees and migrants was held, in which 10 participants belonging to this community gave their contributions to the topic.
With these workshops inputs were collected to collectively build a plan with actions that offers a response to the challenges and needs identified in Manta and San Mateo, in order to promote the integration of refugees and migrants.