
Quantity/ Distribution



Security of tenure


Location of Security in housing tenure  1

Affordability of the property titling process

Percentage of forced evictions in the population in the last year  1

Location of cadastre and registration  offices  1

Mortgage debt relative to income

De facto tenure security*



Quality of the process for legalization in security of tenure


Security in housing tenure

Structural quality and materials

Location of deficit in quality of walls, floors and ceiling  1

Self-construction for access to housing

Quality of the structure of the home (foundations, columns, beams)



Satisfaction with housing* 


Households that reside in their own home 

Average housing price of temporary real estate supply

Housing affordability

Location of social interest housing 

Average price of permanent housing

Perception of the increase in housing prices in the last year* 


Average price of land



Availability of idle land





Accessibility conditions within the home for people with reduced mobility


Location of informal housing


Population/homes affected by natural phenomena

Location of emergency care centers 1


Sense of belonging to the neighborhood or community where the home is located

Location of the occurrence of natural disasters 1




Average home size 


Improved sanitary facilities not shared with other households

Number of families per home 


Access to a site to prepare exclusive foods for the home



Adequate lighting and ventilation conditions



Thermal comfort of the home

Cultural appropriateness



Cultural adaptation of the home

Improved water availability


Per capita residential water consumption

Satisfaction with water service*


Water affordability (basic service and intra-home connection)

Consistency in the provision of water service

Sanitation Availability


Sanitation Service Affordability

Satisfaction with the sanitation service 

Electricity availability

Per capita consumption of electrical energy 

Satisfaction with energy service*


Electricity affordability

Consistency in the provision of electricity service



Energy produced by renewable sources

Internet availability

Mobile internet coverage

Fixed internet affordability

Band speed in fixed internet access

Fixed internet coverage 1

Mobile internet affordability

  Satisfaction with internet service*

Endowment and capacity of the health system

Location of health care centers discriminated by type of establishment 

Accessibility to health centers by type of establishment 

Capacity of care of health centers discriminated by type of establishment 

  Alternative health system users

Connectivity of health centers by public transportation

Health Professionals p /1000 Rooms.


Health Care Affordability

Satisfaction with the health service*


Health Care Affordability

health centers that have a basic set of essential medicines that are sustainably affordable  1


Frequency of access to health system  1


Population with effective access to health

Healthy lifestyle (diet, physical activity, health status)

Location of markets and supermarkets, fairs and street markets

Household food security


Teenage pregnancy

Location of urban garden or urban agriculture

Healthy habits in the population


Maternal mortality



Infant mortality (<1)



Infant mortality (<5)



Perception of one's own state of physical health *



Perception of one's own mental health status *




Prevalence of malnutrition in children 



Prevalence of diseases such as diabetes, anemia



Prevalence of childhood obesity



Prevalence of heart diseases 

Exposure to environmental factors (pollution to water, air, soil, or visual or auditory type)

Location of anthropogenic risk areas

Availability of wastewater treatment centers 

Treated wastewater 

 Location of water treatment centers

Availability of recycling centers

Recycled solid waste


Classification of solid waste at home

% of eco-efficient buildings


Local disaster reduction strategies 1

Satisfaction with aspects related to exposure to environmental factors in the city*


Proximity to areas of anthropogenic risk   

Percentage of the vehicle fleet that uses non-traditional energy



Prevalence of diarrheal diseases



Dengue prevalence 



Prevalence of acute respiratory disease (ARI)



Room temperature

Endowment and capacity of the educational and cultural system

Location of educational centers 

Accessibility to educational centers by type of establishment

Proportion of teachers with a minimum level of qualifications

Location of community and cultural centers 

Connectivity of higher education centers (considering public and alternative transportation) – time 1

Standardized test results by educational institution. 

Location of material cultural heritage 

Accessibility to inclusive educational centers for children and adolescents with physical or mental disabilities

Satisfaction with the quality of the educational system*

School transportation service coverage

Availability in schools with language education, and computer systems.

Adults who are studying 

School dropout


Registry of academic qualifications of the migrant population

Satisfaction with educational infrastructure *


Attention capacity of educational centers relative to their areas of influence 

Availability of green areas and areas for sports and recreation   in schools


 Early childhood care coverage 

Legal frameworks for equality ( UMF Checklist 5.2.3) 1



Population in a situation of multidimensional poverty, by population group 1

Socioeconomic diversity



Intercultural tolerance*



Perception of social, ethnic, cultural, religious and economic diversity.*



Perception of inclusion in the community.*

Public Space (social - environmental)

Location of protected natural areas

Accessibility due to proximity to pocket, neighborhood and neighborhood public spaces 1

Satisfaction with public spaces: Parks, green areas

Location of public space 

Accessibility in public spaces for people with disabilities, children and adolescents and the elderly.

Quality of infrastructure available in public spaces ( Checklist )

 Wifi zones

Presence of citizens/users of public spaces at different times of day 1

Predominant surface area in public space 1



Tree coverage in public spaces



Satisfaction with the cultural and sports offer

urban  vibrancy

Diversity of land uses on ground floors

Buildability index (volume of buildings) 1


Location of Leisure Areas



urban form

Predominant means of transportation

Public transportation affordability 

Track connectivity: including track status and geometry 1

Location of public transport stations  

Accessibility to cycle routes

Quality of roads and other traffic elements*  


Accessibility to arterial routes

Average time on public transport 1

 Main road network location

Accessibility to public transportation 

Satisfaction with public spaces: Bike lanes, state of roads and platforms*

 Mobility Indicators 

Road accident rate



Intertemporal perception of time taken by habitual routes*



Perception of walkability : efficiency in connecting roads + platforms that are safe and pleasant to walk on*

Protection and security

Location of police centers

Public lighting or light intensity in public spaces

Xenophobia outbreak statistics

Location of houses of justice

Proximity to police centers 

Crime Statistics - Threat

Location of protection centers for vulnerable population groups

Knowledge of the service channels related to security and protection (police lines, risks, complaints, protection of vulnerable populations). 

Crime statistics - Domestic violence

Security camera coverage 

Crime Statistics - Personal Injuries



Crime statistics - Sexual crimes



Perception of safety of the neighborhood or community where the home is located*

Location of urban centralities and/or productive agglomerations 

Concentration of companies

Connectivity of productive clusters in the city by public transport 

Companies per 1000 inhabitants 1

Concentration of industrial clusters

Proportion of employment (virtual, in-person, hybrid) 


Location of financial entities

Population that works outside its nearest urban center 1


Location of new companies 

 Proximity to financial institutions


Location of informal enterprises 1



Production specialization zones 1



Productive uses within the home 1



Enabling socioeconomic conditions

Average household income

Inclusion in the financial system 

Labor informality 


Population registered in job boards  1

Unpaid domestic and care work


Legal frameworks for equality ( UMF Checklist 5.2.3) 1

child labor



Perception of the future situation of the city's economy*



Perception of ease of finding work*



Perception of ease of entrepreneurship*


Young people who neither study nor work 

Citizen participation 

Location of public and private investments in the territory (project map)  1

Community-based organizations in the territory

Efficiency and participation in urban governance ( UMF checklist 5.2.1)


Location of voting stations (proximity)

Perception of the existence of participation spaces*

Electoral participation by voting station

Existence of municipal citizen participation plans



Citizen participation - Self-report *



Participation mechanisms for local investment decisions



Differentiated policies for vulnerable groups



Policies focused on environmental sustainability and risk mitigation



Policies with a Gender Approach 


Well-being of people in human mobility 

Citizen service, community work and transparency

Location of non-profit entities

Connectivity of citizen service offices, ombudsman offices, etc. 1

•Perception of the quality of citizen service*

Location of citizen service offices

Connectivity of institutional services clusters 1

Perception of local government*

Location of service positions of international organizations. 

Coverage of government social programs

Perception of corruption*

Access to virtual information on accountability and regulations ( UMF Checklist 5.2.1)



Volunteer population in social development activities 1


1 Indicators that are considered relevant and that complement the purpose of the Extended MIU but that do not have an associated methodology file. 

*Perception indicators whose measurement may vary in each city according to the context.